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Boss Timers can be found here.

world bosses.png

Black Desert Online World Boss Nouver is located directly East of Sand Grain. Nouver spawns 7 days a week. Boss timers can be found by clicking on the world boss image above.

Nouver Raid begins with focusing on Nouver. He will spawn and do several aoe's. One is a stomp the next one is a charge and the final one is a fire breath. Nouver is more of a beginner boss as he is not to difficult to fight.

If you don't have the gear to fight Nouver you can always just get a couple hits off on her and then stand on the side. You can still get loot from her this way.

Nouver can be hard to find the first time as it is in the desert and you cannot see in the desert. I recommend buying an explorers compass or getting the free oasis compass from the oasis vender in Velia beside the stable. The video to the right will show you how to get to Nouver from Sand Grain.

How to get to Nouver

Loot Table

Killing Nouver has a chance of dropping a weapon box where you can choose between any Nouver sub  weapon. You get a Karanda aura which once you obtain 100 you will be able to turn them in for an Nouver box. The other possible loot is something called a belongings of an adventurer. These are super rare and have a chance of dropping any accessory from the base version to tet!

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